Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Cathedral and the Bazaar

Cathedral style, Bazaar style, they both have their good and bad points. But back when Linux first started, the Bazaar style was a new concept in that period, something unheard of or unthinkable. Everyone thought it would end in a disaster. To everyone surprised, not only did Linux survived through this disastrous idea of the Bazaar model, Linux has become quite successful because of it.

I am actually a little surprised myself how successful the Bazaar model works. I mean, I can understand how much easier it is to find bugs and fix these bugs, but the thought of how all these thousands or millions of co-developers making fixes or changes on their own, can come together with such few problems, just seems like a miracle.

This is basically comparing a safe and sturdy way of programming against a fast and risky way of programming. It was a bit of a gamble for Linux to use the Bazaar style, but it paid off.

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