Thursday, November 13, 2008

Project Changed: Canvas 3D - Picking

It's a little late in the term, but I've decided to change project. After discussing with Dave about how my previous project wasn't going anywhere, I've decided to make a switch.

I was looking through the remaining list of potential projects and unfortunately, none was appealing to me anymore. So I decided to talk with Cathy and see if there's any projects she has for Canvas 3D. Luckily, there's a project for Picking.

One thing I liked right away for this project is that I'm actually going to be doing lots of coding =) That was something I found lacking in my previous project.

To put the project description simply, what it does is that when you click in Canvas 3D, you will select the object that is in the most front in the current camera angle you are looking at.
So the details of this Picking project is this:
- Convert the mouse coord in Windows to Canvas coord
- In the current scene, find all objects that intersect where the mouse is clicked
- Find the object closest to the camera from the list of intersecting objects

So for my 0.2 Release, I will aim for the following:
- Make functions that will help complete the project
- Model.getVertices() which returns a reference of all the vertices in the object
- mouse coord convert: converting the mouse coord in Canvas coord
- other functions that might come up

And for 0.3 Release:
- Have the project working or at least close to working (with few minor bugs)

Wiki Page: Canvas 3D JS Library

1 comment:

Tony Lai said...

Congratulations on finding a new project so soon!
It sounds like a project you'll be having fun with too.
