Monday, November 17, 2008

Canvas 3D Picking 0.2 Release

So far, everything has been going smooth. The beginning was a bit slow due to understanding what's been done already and how the structure of the code works, but it's worth the time to spend on. Things that's been completed so far:
- Managed to catch the mouse click event when it's on the canvas
- Able to convert the mouse coord to be relative to the canvas (mouse coord is relative to the window browser, therefore it needs to be recalculated to be relative to the canvas)
- Converted the mouse coord to two 3D points in the canvas (near clipping plane and far clipping plane)
- Added function to Model class to return it's vertices
- Added function to return the bounding box's vertices (might need some more work)

The project details and updates can be found here

Now to continue pressing on hard and get that 0.3 done~!

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