Friday, April 24, 2009

Collision Detection - Release 1.0

So the big 1.0 is finally here. I've added some fixes to collision detection as I was making demos. One of the fixes that I should have really done before was the bounding sphere. Instead of recalculating it every single time, I have it stored in the model and only recalculate it if its size change, otherwise, the center will always be the object's position and and radius stays the same.

As for the demos, I've created 3 so far, and I plan to make at least one more. Here are the links to them:

Demo 1 - Pong

Demo 2 - Linear Collision

Demo 3 - Multi-direction Collision (with no triangle test)

And here's the 4th demo

Demo 4 - Multi-direction Collision (with triangle test)

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