Friday, April 24, 2009

Collision Detection - Release 1.0

So the big 1.0 is finally here. I've added some fixes to collision detection as I was making demos. One of the fixes that I should have really done before was the bounding sphere. Instead of recalculating it every single time, I have it stored in the model and only recalculate it if its size change, otherwise, the center will always be the object's position and and radius stays the same.

As for the demos, I've created 3 so far, and I plan to make at least one more. Here are the links to them:

Demo 1 - Pong

Demo 2 - Linear Collision

Demo 3 - Multi-direction Collision (with no triangle test)

And here's the 4th demo

Demo 4 - Multi-direction Collision (with triangle test)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Another Demo

So I've made 2 small demo. This one uses collision detection to find all objects that have a collision, and make those objects bounce off of each other.

Blog on C3DL:

Old and New Post

Forgot to link the blog about 0.9 release.

And here, I've made a simple game of pong in C3DL. Play Here.

On to updates.

As I was making a demo using collision detection, I've found some bugs that I didn't encounter before. I was a little surprise at first, since I thought I've tested it pretty thoroughly and tried many different things with it. I guess I was wrong. For example, I clearly thought I had consider the scaling factor in the model when I get their bounding sphere, but that was missed out. So now I've got that fixed.

However, onto an even more serious problem. I ran into a situation where my collision detection is failing when two objects are obviously colliding. Again, this happens when both objects have been scaled. As I review my code, I found that I had include in the scaling factor as I was testing for both bounding sphere and triangle-triangle intersection test. Hence, I'm a little stuck right now. And with so little time left till the big 1.0 release, I'm definitely starting to panic.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Collision Detection - Sectioning DONE

Sectioning is implemented and done. This should reduce the time it takes to run collision detection when there are large amounts of objects in the scene. For more details, read the blog at

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Release 0.8

The day has come for another release. And what's a release without a blog? Here's the post for it

Thursday, March 26, 2009

More blogs and demo

This one talks about the improved speed of the collision detection and how that was achieved. The demo is at

This one talks about adding the feature of turning on/off the triangle-triangle test.

Friday, March 13, 2009

More Blogs And Release 0.7

So we're finally reaching close to 1.0. It's crunch time and we really need to get our projects running smoothly. For me, that's a bit of a problem. The collision detection, in theory, is complete. It does what it needs to do, go through the objects in the 3D space, check for any collisions, and return that list back. That part work, it checks and it returns the result. But what the problem is, is the "smoothness" of the collision detection. Whenever there are more complicated objects with a lot more vertices in them, the collision detection takes a plummet to the bottom of processing and completely kills the whole canvas. For comparison, when testing between cubes, it's very smooth, because there are only 12 triangles on each cube. But as soon as we put spheres in, it just dies.

So what happens now is that the collision detection needs major improvement in efficiency. It needs to jack up the speed to run the test and make sure there's no unnecessary code running wild. To start off, I've cut down the number of triangle-triangle tests needed to be perform for the object by about half. Further details here

Then next, I've cut down the number of ray-triangle tests called for each triangle-triangle test. Further details here

The plan for the next improvement is to break the 3D space into regions and perform collision detection in each region, instead of checking the 3D space as a whole. This will cut down the number of objects to compare for the collision detection and should increase the speed.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009

Collision Detection Release 0.6

The blog entry and details for release 0.6 has been posted on the C3DL page, and it can be read through here.

In this blog, I've talked about what was included in the release and explained how to use the collision detection class.

Again, here's the link to the demos created so far for collision detection:

Friday, February 13, 2009

Collision Detection Updates

Again, I have posted my blog on C3DL site. Here's the link to it.

In this blog, I have blogged about what the future plan is for the next release, as well as what's been done since the last release.

The most important part is that I've posted the links to the demo pages again. Here are the links to them.
Basic Demo Page 1
Basic Demo Page 2
Advance Demo Page

All of these and any other future demo pages can be found here:

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

C3DL Project Recap/Updates

I will be posting my blogs on the C3DL site from now on. However, I will be posting the links to those post here so you can still get to those blogs.

Here are a couple blogs I have posted on the C3DL site.

1. This is a complete summary/walkthrough of the picking function done for C3DL.

2. Here is the first update for the new project I started working on for this term. This project is adding the collision detection functionality to Canvas 3D.

3. Links to sample test pages for collision detection demo.