Thursday, October 23, 2008

FSOSS - TikiWiki

FSOSS, what does it stand for?

Fun Stuff Or Scary Stuff, no, that's not it.
For Students Or School Staffs , nope, that's not it either.

It's 'Free Software and Open Source Symposium'.

I was actually looking forward to it. With all the hypes from the Profs, and the promotion gone into it. And yes, the beer was a possible factor, but I didn't get the free beer =(. Unfortunately, I was only able to attend the morning on the first day of the event. And since I don't really have a good memory, I'll just talk about the experience I had with the talk I remember the most - TikiWiki.

The FSOSS was definitely not scary, and it wasn't just for students and staffs. There were a lot of other people too. How did I know this? start the TikiWiki talk, the speaker actually asked everyone in the hall to give a brief introduction of themselves and why there were here. When I said all, I meant all, which I find a little ridiculous to do, since they already have a limited time to work with and they were starting a little late.

At least from this, I found out there were all kinds of people there. Students, Grads, Professors, People from Companies, or just freelance people who are interested in learning more about another CMS that's out there. One of the intros I really liked from the group was, "I love Tiki, I Love Wiki, and then there's TikiWiki". Obviously, you can tell that this, and the same with many others, that, they just decided to come to the TikiWiki talk and had no real reason to be here.

Anyways, onto the talk/presentation.

I thought I would be able to actually know what TikiWiki is. Like how it looks, how it works, what it can do, or how it is different from all those other CMS out there. But I didn't get much of any of them. They showed us a list of things you'd do with a CMS and they graded them A to E according to TikiWiki's capability for those tasks. Showed us a tutorial video on how to use the TikiWiki, but it was more like how to create a form and what type of inputs you can use (textbox, radio, drop down, check box, textarea, etc). I didn't really find any of these useful. They're basically things I could have just found myself or easily figure out myself just by playing with the CMS.

Overall, I didn't find this particular presentation to be quite useful or informative.

One thing I really like and made me laugh, or at least smile during the presentation was when they showed the video. In the beginning of the video, there was a label was I found pretty amusing.

Unfortunately, the video didn't seem that smart itself. Maybe it was because they were just skipping to show some parts of the video. But yea, I wish the talk could have been better. Like have more visual of what they're talking about. Show some screenshots of the TikiWiki console, or show some functions or ability the TikiWiki could do, or show some sort of comparison of TikiWiki and other CMS.

1 comment:

Tony Lai said...


That's FSOSS :P
You wake up early so you miss sleep.
Its also a requirement that we attend, and therefore we miss the chance to study during study week =)

No feelings involved. Just the facts =P