So now, we've changed the way we were converting the mouse window coord into 3D vector back into calculating with trig. Before the change, we were
1) Converting windows coord to NDC
var Cx = ((2 * currX) / ( tempDiv.width)) - 1 ;
var Cy = (2 * currY) / tempDiv.height;
var Cz = (2 * currZ) - 1;
var Cw = 1;
2) NDC to Viewspace
var viewCoord = multiplyMatrixByVector(projMatInv, new Array(currX, currY, currZ));
viewCoord[2] = -5;
viewCoord[3] = 6;
only calculates 3x3 matrix and a vector of 3 values. Therefore, the 3rd value will be calculated wrong and the 4th value will never be calculated. What we assumed here, is that the projMatInv never changes (since it's something we define), and with it, the 3rd and 4th value will always be calculated to be -5 and 6.3) Viewspace to Model
modelMat x viewCoord
modelMat is a 4x4 matrix and viewCoord is a 4 value vector.
So what we did now instead, is back to using trig to calculate the distance from the camera position to the far clipping pan, and using that, we can calculate the dimension of it using ratio of the canvas dimension. And what we end up having in code now, is implementing Jeremy's idea of
1) Find distance to project plane
var dx = 0.5 * tempDiv.width; // tempDiv.width is canvas width
var theta = 0.5 * C3DL_FIELD_OF_VIEW; // angel of view in degrees
var dz = dx / Math.tan(theta); // distance
2) Make the vector of mouse picked point
var vPick = makeVector( currX, currY, dz );
3) Calculate the scale value to change the vector length to reach the far clipping plane and apply it to mouse vector
vPick = multiplyVector(vPick, scale);
4) Orient the mouse vector to match our current camera view
viewMatrix = makePoseMatrix(scn.getCamera().getLeft(), scn.getCamera().getUp(), scn.getCamera().getDir(), scn.getCamera().getPosition());
vPick = multiplyMatrixByVector(viewMatrix, vPick);
Now, what we have here, is a vector of 3 value, which is the ending point of our mouse vector. In other words, this is the 3D coordinate of the point on our mouse vector intersecting the far clipping plane.
The next step now, is to try and make the actual line for this mouse vector, and do some initial intersection test for the line and the objects in the scene. After some time, Andor suggested that I try applying the object's trans matrix onto the mouse vector, and from that, we'd have both vector and object within the same space (model space). In that, we can then proceed to doing a bounding box check, and after that, I can do the actual object's intersection test.
What I need now, is
1) Mouse Vector Equation
2) Bounding Box/Object Face's Plane Equation
3) Equation for testing line/plane intersection
Onto testing and math review I go now...